This is our in-house LeisureWorld FUN PB Tournament - Open to all (but only) club members.
Mens & Women’s Doubles March 14th; Mixed Doubles March 15th.
For tournament details, visit our Tournaments Page

Farewell Potluck
LWPB Club End Picnic/Potluck/General Meeting
Location: Hopi/Pima Rooms, Rec 2
LWPC will provide brats, dogs and sodas. Bring your favorite dish to share.
Mark your calendar and please register by March 20th 2025.

General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Ballroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 5:00 pm Refreshments will be served.

General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Ballroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 5:00 pm Refreshments will be served.

LWPB 9th Annual USAPA Sanctioned Tournament
The 9th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament will be held February 13-15, 2025.
This is a USA Pickleball Sanctioned Tournament, and we will have Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles at the 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 skill levels.
New this year will be two age groups for the events, 50-64 and 65+
The Kitchen will have beverages and snacks available, and a food truck will also be on sight along with Vendors and Sponsors.
Registration opens Monday October 14, 2024, and run through January 14, 2025, via Pickleballbrackets.com
Both you and your partner must be registered before securing your entrance into the Tournament.
Stay tuned for more information.

General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Ballroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 5:00 pm Refreshments will be served.

Registration Deadline: LWPB 9th Annual USAPA Sanctioned Tournament
Registration for the 9th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament DEADLINE is January 14, 2025. Register via Pickleballbrackets.com
The 9th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament will be held February 13-15, 2025.
Both you and your partner must be registered before securing your entrance into the Tournament.

General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: ballroom, Rec 1
NOTE TIME CHANGE - starts at 4:00 Refreshments will be served.

General Meeting & Holiday Potluck
LWPB Club General Meeting
& Holiday Potluck
We’re having a potluck to celebrate the holidays!
The event will be held immediately after the General Meeting.
Please bring your favorite Dish to Share and BYOB.
Roasted and grilled chicken, sodas, water, set ups provided by LWPB Club.
Please confirm your attendance (in TrackItHub) by Friday December 6, 2024.
If you would like to bring a guest, please register yourself on TIH and email Peggy regarding your (non-member guest) at pmwegscheid14@gmail.com
Location: ballroom, Rec 1

General Meeting & Welcome Pizza Party
LWPB Club General Meeting
& Welcome Pizza Party
Location: Ball room, Rec 1
5:00 pm General meeting.
Pizza Party after the meeting approximately 6:00 pm.
If you plan on attending the pizza party then please
RSVP to Peggy Wegscheid by Wednesday, November 6th.

Registration now open: LWPB 9th Annual USAPA Sanctioned Tournament
Registration for the 9th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament begins Monday October 14, 2024 and runs through January 14, 2025, via Pickleballbrackets.com
The 9th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament will be held February 13-15, 2025.
Both you and your partner must be registered before securing your entrance into the Tournament.
Stay tuned for more information.
General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Clubroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 6:00 pm Refreshments will be served.
”Meet & Greet” at 4:00, meeting to start at 4:15

Farewell Potluck
30-Mar-24, from 1600 - 1900 Farewell Potluck Rec 2 Hopi/Pima Room
Watch for information and sign up with Sign-Up Genius.

Save the dates to join our annual in-house FUN PB Tournament!
Register by March 15th to play (link to entry form, below).
This is open to ALL club members; be prepared to have LOTS of fun!!
We have room for 16 players in each skill level for Mens Doubles, 16 players in each skill level for Womens Doubles, and 32 players in each skill level for Mixed Doubles (half men and half women)
Skill levels: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0+
Cost is $10 per event (so if you play in Womens and Mixed total is $20), proceeds go to the LW Pickleball Club.
More information, and the entry form found here: 2024 In-House PB March Madness Entry Form
General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Clubroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 6:00 pm Refreshments will be served.
”Meet & Greet” at 4:00, meeting to start at 4:15

LWPB 8th Annual USAPA Sanctioned Tournament
The 8th Annual Leisure World Pickleball Tournament will be held February 15-17 in 2024.
This is a USA Pickleball Sanctioned Tournament, and we will have Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles at the 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 levels. Participants must be minimum of 50 years old. It will be a double elimination tournament and players are guaranteed at least 3 games.
Stay tuned for more information.
General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Clubroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 6:00 pm Refreshments will be served.
”Meet & Greet” at 4:00, meeting to start at 4:15

It's a Party! Dinner & Dance
19-Jan-24 Dinner Dance Hopi / Pima R2. 5pm-9 pm
General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Clubroom, Rec 1
4:15- 6:00 pm Refreshments will be served.
”Meet & Greet” at 4:00, meeting to start at 4:15
Training on New Court Cleaner
Location: New Courts
Come learn how to use the amazing new Court Cleaning Machine

Holiday Potluck
We’re having a Potluck to celebrate the Holiday Season!
Dinner and Dance - Guests welcome for $5.00
Chicken dinner and mixers are provided.
Please bring a dish to share, and bring your own alcohol.
Watch your inbox for the invitation, and sign up with Sign-Up Genius.
General Meeting
LWPB Club General Meeting
Location: Clubroom, Rec 1
4:00 - 6:00 pm Refreshments will be served.
”Meet & Greet” at 4:00, meeting to start at 4:15

Pizza Party / General Meeting
Pizza Party / General Meeting Rec 1 Ballroom 4-6pm.
Welcome Back for the 2023 - 2024 Winter Season!!
Come and find out what’s new .
A table will be set up from 3:30 - 4:00 for member renewals.
PLEASE RSVP to your invitation on Signup Genius so we know how much food we need!
Didn’t get the invitation? Contact Colleen Proffitt @ ckproffitt@gmail.com
All members are encouraged to attend
Round Robins Start for the Season!
Round Robin Play will start this week. Members will receive an update prior to then.
10 Year Anniversary - Tennis & Pickleball Court Completion
REC 1 Ballroom
Join us to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the completion in 2013 of the Leisure World Tennis & Pickleball courts!
You are invited to relive the modernization of Leisure World’s common sports facilities from its initial vision through its completion. It includes the history of the project through a slide show of the people and activities that made it possible. Light refreshments will be served.
BYOB Social Hour will follow
No Name Band will provide music
General Meeting - LWPB Club
LW Pickleball Club General Meeting, Rec 1 Ballroom
All members are encouraged to attend.
Club business, plans, discussions and suggestions are welcome from all members . Refreshments will be served!

Farewell Potluck
March 29, 2023 5:00 Farewell Potluck Promenade Rec 1
Watch for information and sign up with Sign-Up Genius.
Board Meeting
Leisure World Pickleball Club Board of Directors Meeting
R=1 Anniversary Room
Ratings clinic 3.5 and above
This is the second (and final until the fall) ratings clinic for those members who wish to be rated (3.5 or above). The clinic rating is FREE, thanks to volunteer outside raters.
Effective November 2023, we will have a club rating requirement for Round Robins for levels 3.5 and up.
Rating Assessment Requirements:
No assessment is required if you you have an official UTPR/CTPR rating and wish to remain at that leve.l Please provide your rating information to Sharon Carter
You must go through the assessment process if:
· - Your skill level is self-rated
· - You have an official UTPR/CTPR rating, but wish to move to a higher level in the club. (e.g. you have a UTPR at 3.5 and wish to move to 4.0).
Players with ratings of 3.0 or less do not require assessments, unless they are looking to move from 3.0 to a 3.5 level.
Contact Patrick Guedo, Daryl Eastridge or Sharon Carter for more information.

LWPB Raffle Draw - $500 to the winner!
The draw is this day, so buy your tickets early and support our PB club!!
The winner receives $500, with 2 prizes at $250. Tickets just $5 each.
The winning number will be Arizona pick 3 on March 17th St Patty’s day: the winning number will receive $500. The number +1 will get $250, the number -1 will get $250
Contact Ron Koch to pick up tickets to help sell (as early as December 10, 2022)

LW In-House FUN Tournament
To see a larger version of this event poster ==> 2023 Funament Flyer
Tournament Team Mentoring Session #2
Contact Wanda Lazar if you are playing in the in-house Funament, and didn’t receive your SignUp Genius invitation.
PRO DAY - Professional Pickleball Exhibition
Back by popular demand! Join us for PRO DAY with Helle Sparre, a Leisure World resident and a nationally recognized pro player and trainer, along with fellow pro’s Gigi LeMaster, Dex Decker and Carolyn Bailey
These pros will play an interactive exhibition match, along with a question and answer. This event is free to members and residents, to promote pickleball and our club.
We will be selling BBQ Brats & Burgers, and a 50/50 raffle.
This has been held in the past and is widely attended. There is no charge and open to everyone, members and non -members , so bring out your neighbours and friends, spread the word, the more the merrier. We will be having the bleachers moved to court 1 as well as chairs and standing room if required.