Player Development
Learn the game, or improve your skills!
LEARN TO PLAY - for Beginners; open to all LW Residents
Come and learn the fastest growing sport in America!
All Leisure World residents who want to learn to play pickleball are welcome to join a dedicated team of instructors at the PB courts for basic instruction and player safety tips.
To participate (no walk-ins), you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE by sending an email to lesson coordinator Ronda Gates at
Ronda will respond with a “what you need to know/bring to participate” Email.
NOTE: Schedule Disruptions due to court repairs, and Sanctioned Tournament. Contact Ronda for updates.
4 week sessions are offered EITHER Tuesdays, noon-1:30, or Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. You must be prepared to attend all 4 sessions.
Skills & Drills are free to club members, of all skill levels. Players new to the game should attend Learn to Play first, and then attend Skills and Drills. Sessions may cover a variety of topics meant to enhance players skill levels.
Skills and Drills is very popular and there is usually a wait list. If you register, you must be prepared to attend all 3 sessions identified in the invitation. Members who register for one set of sessions are not eligible to register for the next.
Players are expected to practice their new skills independently - unless you are serious about improving your skills, let someone else attend!
Questions? Contact Mike Rozelle -
Current sessions:
Mondays @ noon - 2:00:
Feb 24th, March 3rd & March 10th.
March 24th & March 31st (2-week session)
Register in TrackItHub and watch for your invitations.
The following club members have formal pickleball instructor training and/or extensive experience, and are available to provide personalized instruction and mentoring. They operate independently from the LWPB Club, and all scheduling and compensation (if applicable) are at the individual’s discretion.
We appreciate these club members’ willingness to coach and mentor players who wish to improve their pickleball skills and strategies.
Wanda Lazar
403-581-8786 /
Colleen Wolkosky
306-425-7824 /
Deb Fairclough
406-927-6912 /
IPTPA Level II Certification
Cindy Ondell
608-780-1808 /
PCI Level I Certification
Rob Gray
(952)239-2408 /
Pickleball Registry Certified Pro (PPR)
Looking for basics on how to play the game of pickleball? Here are some sites and tips that may help you.