Let’s Play Pickleball: Ways to Play


ON YOUR OWN: Pickleball courts may be reserved by any Leisure World resident
(or their guests). Make Court Reservations. See Court layout ->

  • Courts may be booked after 9:00 am, for up to 6 days in advance.

  • Courts #15 - 16 are open to any LW Resident and their guests from 8-5 as paddles up and cannot be reserved.

  • Lucy (ball machine) can only be used on courts #1-8, & #11 (electricity avail.)

Note Hours of use: (See HoldMyCourt for bookings)

  • Courts 1-8: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm (Oct through April) / 6:00 am - 9:00 pm (May-Sept)

  • Courts 9-16: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, year round.

  • Courts are closed for cleaning on a rotating basis (2nd/4th wk of month) at lowest usage times, and are not available for approximately 1/2 hour.

  • 6-8 people per shift required to help. Sign up on TrackItHub, or contact Craig Fairclough to volunteer.

ORGANIZED PLAY: But there are so many more opportunities to practice your game, meet new people and have a lot of fun! Click on the links to find out more.

—> OPEN PLAY/PADDLES UP: (Members only)
Every morning Mon-Sat, drop in, put up your paddle & play!

—> ROUND ROBIN PLAY - (Members only) by skill level and open/social.
Sign-up to play with other members at your skill level.

—> PLAYER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Learn the game, or improve your skills!

  • LEARN TO PLAY (Beginners) - (free & open to nonmembers)

  • SKILLS AND DRILLS (Members only)



This is an easy way for members to get in some play time, practice your skills and meet other members. Show up, put your paddle up, and play ball!

The courts are reserved Monday through Saturday, by skill level, as follows:

8:00 TO Noon


 * =  These courts are available until 11:00 am, after which time they may be reserved by members from 11:00-noon.

Beginner: Novice to ‘lower level Intermediate”:
Any player may play on the these courts during open play.  However, if you are not a beginner, you MUST be prepared to play a softer game.  (Make our beginners feel welcome!)

Challenge Courts: Open to any level, this gives players a chance to up their game, and challenge each other. More info HERE.

Non-Member Courts: Courts #15 - 16 are open to any LW Resident & their guests from 8:00-5:00 as paddles up and cannot be reserved.

Additional Details for Open Play



From the perspective of getting the largest number of similarly-skilled people on the courts, nothing beats the Round Robin (RR) format. See Club Ratings, below, to help determine your rating. Players must be rated (and provide proof) to play Rated Round Robins (3.5 and above).

  • To receive an invitation to a RR, you must have joined the RR Group in TrackItHub (see below for instructions)

  • To maximize usage of limited Pickleball Courts, RR invitees now have 3 days to sign up so that unused courts can be released.

  • Please limit sign-ups to 3x/week to allow everyone to participate.

By Skill Level


Social play is for both Rated and Non-Rated members

To Register for a Round Robin in TrackItHub:
1) Log In to TIH, 2) Click on My Groups (left side of screen), & 3) when the My Groups window opens, click on “Recommended” to see a list of all the groups in LWPB club. Click on the 3 dots to “Join Group”, and the request will be sent to the group administrator to have you registered.

Please observe the following general guidelines when participating in a RR event:


Club members must be rated in order to play in Rated Round Robins (social non-rated RR’s are available), and tournaments for levels 3.5 and above. Supporting documentation is required.
There is no rating requirement for 2.5/3.0 level members.

Official UTPR/CTPR ratings are accepted. If you wish to obtain a rating, or move to a higher level, the following contacts are currently recommended:

1) Melissa Tafoya, https://www.oncourtadventures.com/
480-619-2252 ; Email: dink@oncourtadventures.com

 2) Jared at Red Mountain Ranch Country Club
480-277-6246; Email form: https://www.rmrcc.com/contact/directions/180-jared-call

Not sure of your level? Here are some guidelines:

2.0 checklist | 2.5 checklist | 3.0 checklist | 3.5 checklist |4.0 checklist

Questions? Contact Mike Rozelle at rzle@aol.com




LEARN TO PLAY - beginners


Come and learn the fastest growing sport in America!

All Leisure World residents who want to learn to play pickleball are welcome to join a dedicated team of instructors at the PB courts for basic instruction and player safety tips.

To participate (no walk-ins), you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE before January 4 by writing lesson coordinator Ronda Gates via Email at rondagates@myyahoo.com.  

Ronda will respond with a “what you need to know/bring to participate” Email. If there is sufficient interest, another session will launch on January 14, 2025 

The next 4 week session commences on
January 7-28, 2025, from 12:00-1:30 pm
Contact Ronda Gates before January 4th to register.



Skills & Drills are free to club members, of all skill levels. Players new to the game should attend Learn to Play first, and then attend Skills and Drills.

Sessions may cover a variety of topics meant to enhance players skill levels. Players are expected to practice their new skills independently - unless you are serious about improving your skills, let someone else attend!

Attendance is limited to twice per month per member. Invitations are issued via TrackItHub.

Questions? Contact Mike Rozelle - rzle@aol.com

Dates: Register in TrackItHub and watch for your invitations.

Attendance limited to 2x/month for any member.

Instruction Available


The following club members have formal pickleball instructor training and/or extensive experience, and are available to provide personalized instruction and mentoring.  They operate independently from the LWPB Club, and all scheduling and compensation (if applicable) are at the individual’s discretion. 

We appreciate these club members’ willingness to coach and mentor players who wish to improve their pickleball skills and strategies.

Wanda Lazar
403-581-8786 / wlazar@telus.net

Colleen Wolkosky
306-425-7824 / colleen.odnokon@hotmail.com

Deb Fairclough
406-927-6912 / debcfairclough@gmail.com
IPTPA Level II Certification

Cindy Ondell
608-780-1808 / cmo5326@yahoo.com
PCI Level I Certification