Let’s Play Pickleball: Ways to Play
ON YOUR OWN: Pickleball courts may be reserved by any Leisure World resident
(or their guests). Make Court Reservations. See Court layout ->
Courts may be booked after 9:00 am, for up to 6 days in advance.
Courts #15 - 16 are open to any LW Resident and their guests from 8-5 as paddles up and cannot be reserved.
Lucy (ball machine) can only be used on courts #1-8, & #11 (electricity avail.)
Note Hours of use: (See HoldMyCourt for bookings)
Courts 1-8: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm (Oct through April) / 6:00 am - 9:00 pm (May-Sept)
Courts 9-16: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, year round.
Courts are closed for cleaning on a rotating basis (2nd/4th wk of month) at lowest usage times, and are not available for approximately 1/2 hour.
6-8 people per shift required to help. Sign up on TrackItHub, or contact Craig Fairclough to volunteer.
ORGANIZED PLAY: But there are so many more opportunities to practice your game, meet new people and have a lot of fun! Click on the links to find out more.
—> OPEN PLAY/PADDLES UP: (Members only)
Every morning Mon-Sat, drop in, put up your paddle & play!
—> ROUND ROBIN PLAY - (Members only) by skill level and open/social.
Sign-up to play with other members at your skill level.
—> PLAYER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Learn the game, or improve your skills!
LEARN TO PLAY (Beginners) - (free & open to nonmembers)
SKILLS AND DRILLS (Members only)